Very Small Business Inc ( is a web-based software provider for your very small business. When you become a partner, you can use all our easy-to-use software free of charge.

If you are a very small business that wishes to have Internet exposure (and perhaps lacking in knowledge, resource, expertise, time, etc) then you must apply to become a vsb partner right away to secure your website free of charge.

What does vsb partner mean? (to be available soon)

When you become a partner with, you are given your own website that comes with tons of free software. These easy-to-use software only require an Internet connection, no download or install is ever required. You pay nothing unless you require our time and effort. Most partners will pay US$0.00 and get loads of benefits.

The moment your partner application is approved, your website (such as if you chose abc to be your business moniker) will be up and running with your home page and contact page (that includes your google map location, business hours, etc.). Your business or project is live on the Internet! You can start using all our web-based softwares.

The total cost to you is US$0.00 and the time you invested (not counting the partner application process) is 0 minutes.

Having a website is only a starting point for your very small business. To make your business thrive and succeed, you need lots of software to manage your business. It is our mission to provide all the software you ever need free of charge. As a vsb, you should know that software is the key to succeed in this digital age. We provide all the software that you need to succeed in your business, absolutely free.

Contact us if you have any question or would like to receive our invitation to apply to become a vsb partner, by email or webmail.

Mission Statement

We want to be your low-cost or no-cost software department, no matter where you are or how small. Our mission is to deliver all the software you need to succeed in your business. If you need a software that is not available anywhere, please ask for it here; it is our mission to fill this need.